52 research outputs found

    Why do people enjoy watching natural disasters and human violence on television? : A reversal theory perspective

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    We explored the psychological links that may exist between people's choices of television program, conversation topics around the content of these programs, and people's perceived degree of threat associated with these programs. The theoretical framework of the study was reversal theory (Apter, 2001). Participants were presented with a series of questionnaires assessing the degree of threat associated with potentially stressful situations (e.g., running of the bulls), the degree of enjoyment associated with television programs dealing with these situations (e.g., watching a report about the running of the bulls), and the degree of enjoyment associated with participation in conversations about these programs. The overall finding was that (a) most people like to watch frightening television programs because they find these situations to be the most entertaining once their negative consequences have been removed, (b) most people like to choose conversation topics centered on risks and risky situations for the same reason, (c) some people dislike watching frightening television programs and do not preferentially choose conversation topics centered on risks and risky situations because these situations, although not real for them, are still highly stressful, and possibly psychologically harmful. We highlight the usefulness of the concept of protective frame in the domain of risk communication, risk perception, and risk behavio

    Disseny d'una activitat per a integrar coneixements i autoavaluar competències metodològiques

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    Es desenvolupa i avalua una estratègia d'ensenyament-aprenentatge que té per objectiu introduir l'assignatura troncal Mètodes d'Investigació a la titulació de Psicologia i alhora aportar eines que afavoreixin l'autovaluació de competències en el procés d'aprendentatge de la matèria. En l'elaboració d'aquesta estratègia "la falta de disciplina dels estudiants a l'aula" deixa de ser un problema per convertir-se en un recurs docent. La proposta que presentem és fàcil de portar a terme en classes nombroses, i no suposa un increment substancial en la càrrega de treball del docent ni del discent

    Desenvolupament de competències de comunicació i cooperació en l'aprenentatge de Mètodes d'Investigació

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    El projecte aborda la problemàtica vinculada al procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge de la matèria "Mètodes, Dissenys i Tècniques d'Investigació" en Psicologia (MeDiTI). La finalitat és produir recursos didàctics en suport digital sobre MeDiTI per afavorir en els estudiants: (1) L'adquisició de competències específiques mitjançant l'ús formatiu d'una plataforma docent virtual, i l'autoavaluació continuada; especialment per afavorir la retroalimentació del coneixement adquirit de forma autònoma abans de les sessions presencials. (2) La competència de la lectura crítica de bibliografia científica a través de l'assoliment de la competència instrumental de conèixer i emprar adequadament la terminologia específica de MeDiTI en llengua catalana, castellana i anglesa. (3) La competència interpersonal de treball compromès en equip a través d'una activitat d'aprenentatge cooperatiu en entorn virtual. Aquests recursos suposen actuacions per afavorir la semipresencialitat a favor de l'autoaprenentage com un pas essencial per a adaptar la matèria MeDiTI als requeriments de l'EEES. En aquestes Jornades ens entrarem en exposar el paper que juga un recurs que anomenem "Vocabulari/Glossari" com a element vertebrador de la recollida d'evidències en el procés d'autoaprenentatge. En primer lloc, es posicionarà aquest recurs en el marc de la proposta global del projecte. A continuació, es presentaran els resultats d'una primera aplicació del recurs.Conclourem destacant la importància que té en la nostra matèria, habitualment poc desitjada pels estudiants en el moment en que l'han de cursar, el fet d'aportar recursos que contribueixen a fer obvi el seu procés d'aprenentatge.The present project deals with the troublesome teaching-learning process of the subject "Research Methods, Designs and Techniques" in Psychology (ReMeDeT). The main purpose is to create educational resources on a digital support (e-learning) about ReMeDeT on the side of students: (1) Acquisition of specific competencies by using an educational virtual platform and continued assessments; in order to promote feedback on the self-acquired learning before the attending sessions. (2) Acquisition of a critic reading skills on scientific literature through the achievement of the instrumental competence of knowing and adequately using the specific ReMeDeT terminology in Catalan, Spanish either English. (3) Acquisition of interpersonal committed working group skills through cooperative e-learning activities. These resources require actions to promote part-time attendance in favour of self-learning as an essential step to adapt ReMeDeT contents to the ESHE requirements. During this conference we are going to focus on showing the role of the resource called "Vocabulary/Glossary" as a key element on the collection of evidences among the self-learning process. First of all, we are going to allocate this resource inside global project's proposal. Second, results obtained from a first application of the tool will be exposed. To conclude, the importance of adding resources like the present one to our subject, which is not actually quite desired by our students in the moment they have to undertake it, help on making more evident their learning process

    Recursos d'autoaprenentatge de mètodes d'investigació en entorns virtuals

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    El nou marc derivat de l'EEES implica, entre d'altres coses, un model educatiu en el qual l'estudiant guanya protagonisme i autonomia. Així s'espera que prengui un paper més actiu en un aprenentatge basat en competències en el qual les habilitats i actituds adquireixen molta importància. Un primer pas per fomentar un paper més actiu en l'alumne és captar el seu interès proporcionant-li recursos per tal d'aconseguir un aprenentatge significatiu. Amb aquest objectiu hem aplicat al llarg del semestre un producte docent per a l'aprenentatge de conceptes de Mètodes d'Investigació (MI) basat en un centre d'interès. Els resultats de l'aplicació d'aquesta activitat ens permeten afirmar que aquest és un recurs "sostenible" fins i tot en grups nombrosos, i que contribueix a assolir competències específiques de MI així com d'altre més transversals com la integració significativa de coneixements i l'emissió de judicis crítics basats en l'explicació. D'altra banda, per tal de fomentar les competències de treball autònom i de planificació i gestió del temps de l'estudiant hem dissenyat una activitat d'autoavaluació interactiva, digital i accessible a través d'internet en la qual es revisen els conceptes principals de MI. Les característiques d'aquesta eina fan possible que es donin simultàniament autoavaluació i formació. Per últim, amb l'objectiu de fomentar certes habilitats i actituds com la competència interpersonal de treball compromès en equip, la interdependència positiva o la co-responsabilitat, s'ha dissenyat una estratègia d'aprenentatge cooperatiu inspirada en els Teams Games Tournaments que serà implementada en un entorn virtual.The new educational framework resulting of the European Space of Higher Education implies, among other things, an educational model in which students take a more active role in a competence based learning in which skills and attitudes acquire much importance. A first step towards encouraging a more active role in the student is to capture his attention providing resources in order to achieve a significant learning. Keeping this goal in mind, we have applied to a Research Methods training course an all-semester educational product based on a center of interest. The results obtained after applying this learning activity allow us to state that this is a "sustainable" resource even in large groups, and that contributes to achieve specific Research Methods competences as well as other partial and more generic ones like meaningful knowledge integration explanation-based critical judgments. On the other hand, in order to foster the competences of autonomous work and time planning and management of the student, we have designed an interactive digital self-evaluation activity accessible via the internet in which the main concepts of Research Methods are revisited. This tool's main features make it possible the concurrence of self-evaluation and training. Finally, and aiming to encourage certain skills and attitudes as the interpersonal competence of compromised team work, the positive interdependence or the coresponsibility, a strategy of cooperative learning inspired in the Teams Games Tournaments has been designed to be implemented in a virtual environment

    Psychometric properties of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and norms for rural and urban adolescent males and females in Mexico

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    Aims: To contribute new evidence to the controversy about the factor structure of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and to provide, for the first time, norms based on a large adolescent Mexican community sample, regarding sex and area of residence (urban/rural) - Methods: A total of 2928 schoolchildren (1544 females and 1384 males) aged 11-18 were assessed with the EDE-Q and other disordered eating questionnaire measures. - Results: Confirmatory factor analysis of the attitudinal items of the EDE-Q did not support the four theorized subscales, and a two-factor solution, Restraint and Eating-Shape-Weight concern, showed better fit than the other models examined (RMSEA = .054); measurement invariance for this two-factor model across sex and area of residence was found. Satisfactory internal consistency (ω ≥.80) and two-week test-retest reliability (ICCa ≥.84; κ≥ .56), and evidence for convergent validity with external measures was obtained. The highest attitudinal EDE-Q scores were found for urban females and the lowest scores were found for rural males, whereas the occurrence of key eating disorder behavioural features and compensatory behaviours was similar in both areas of residence. - Conclusions: This study reveals satisfactory psychometric properties and provides population norms of the EDE-Q, which may help clinicians and researchers to interpret the EDE-Q scores of adolescents from urban and rural areas in Mexico

    Una propuesta para el análisis de respuestas binarias en diseños 'cross-over'

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    Se realiza una aproximación a la problemática que presenta el análisis del diseño «cross-over» cuando la variable dependiente es binaria. Se presentan las posibilidades que ofrece la regresión logística condicional exacta implementada en la aplicación LogXact, para abordar el análisis de este diseño. Se ilustra de forma práctica el uso de LogXact en torno a los datos de un estudio sobre la decisión de adoptar precauciones contra la infección ocupacional por VIH, en el que además del efecto del tratamiento se evalúan simultáneamente los efectos de período y de «carry-over»This paper focuses on the problems derived from the analysis of cross-over designs with binary dependent variables. In order to approach this analysis, we present those possibilities offered by a conditional exact logistic regression implemented to LogXact application. We illustrate the use of LogXact based on data from a study on decisions to take precautions against HIV infection in work environment. Besides the treatment effect, we simultaneously evaluate those effects of period and carry-ove

    New insights into the behavioral structure of Pikler educators : An application of T-pattern detection and analysis with THEME

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    The recent generalization of early childhood schooling has given rise to a need for the development of rigorous, specific training programs aimed at early education professionals (0-3 years of age). This work emanates from the unique nature of Pikler-Lóczy education as a reference for early childhood education centers, and its expertise in providing quality care in an everyday classroom situation. The aim of the study is to use T-pattern detection and analysis, within the framework of observational methodology, to identify relevant aspects of the choreography followed by Pikler educators during breakfast, and thus provide substantial material with a view to creating a training plan. Two expert educators in Pikler-Lóczy education were directly and systematically observed in their own classrooms, following a nomothetic, follow-up and multidimensional design. The observation instrument underwent a molarization process so that the detected elements would be more significant and understandable for novice educators. Using THEME, the invariant aspects of the educators' behavior were analyzed. The significance level for the critical interval was the THEME default (α = 0.005). The results show: on the one hand, changes expected in T-patterns in accordance with the observation instrument molarity; and on the other hand, stability in terms of the comparison between the two educators. These results help us to identify the complex structure of the breakfast choreography, and how educators establish interaction with children. In addition to specific issues pertaining to Pikler-Lóczy education, the conclusions highlight the advantages of using T-pattern analysis within the framework of observational methodology, in order to dissect a mealtime routine in its natural context, and explain components of early childhood education intervention that satisfy basic childhood needs. This constitutes a starting point from which to generate instructive material for the training of professionals working in early education

    Guidelines for reporting evaluations based on observational methodology

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    Background: Observational methodology is one of the most suitable research designs for evaluating fidelity of implementation, especially in complex interventions. However, the conduct and reporting of observational studies is hampered by the absence of specific guidelines, such as those that exist for other evaluation designs. This lack of specific guidance poses a threat to the quality and transparency of these studies and also constitutes a considerable publication hurdle. The aim of this study thus was to draw up a set of proposed guidelines for reporting evaluations based on observational methodology. Method: The guidelines were developed by triangulating three sources of information: observational studies performed in different fields by experts in observational methodology, reporting guidelines for general studies and studies with similar designs to observational studies, and proposals fro experts in observational methodology at scientific meetings. Results: We produced a list of guidelines grouped into three domains: intervention and expected outcomes, methods, and results. Conclusions: The result is a useful, carefully crafted set of simple guidelines for conducting and reporting observational studies in the field of program evaluatio

    Guidelines for reporting evaluations based on observational methodology

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    Background: Observational methodology is one of the most suitable research designs for evaluating fi delity of implementation, especially in complex interventions. However, the conduct and reporting of observational studies is hampered by the absence of specifi c guidelines, such as those that exist for other evaluation designs. This lack of specifi c guidance poses a threat to the quality and transparency of these studies and also constitutes a considerable publication hurdle. The aim of this study thus was to draw up a set of proposed guidelines for reporting evaluations based on observational methodology. Method: The guidelines were developed by triangulating three sources of information: observational studies performed in different fi elds by experts in observational methodology, reporting guidelines for general studies and studies with similar designs to observational studies, and proposals from experts in observational methodology at scientific meetings. Results: We produced a list of guidelines grouped into three domains: intervention and expected outcomes, methods, and results. Conclusions: The result is a useful, carefully crafted set of simple guidelines for conducting and reporting observational studies in the fi eld of program evaluation.Directrices para publicar evaluaciones basadas en metodología observacional. Antecedentes: la metodología observacional es una de las más apropiadas para la evaluación de la fidelidad de la implementación, especialmente en el caso de intervenciones complejas. Sin embargo, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con otros diseños evaluativos, en este caso no existe una guía que delimite los componentes necesarios a incluir en el reporte de estudios observacionales, con lo que su divulgación, transparencia y calidad podrían quedar mermadas. El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer un protocolo específico para el reporte de estudios evaluativos basados en la metodología observacional. Método: la idoneidad del protocolo propuesto se basa en información procedente de estudios observacionales en distintos ámbitos realizados por expertos consolidados en metodología observacional; guías generales para cualquier tipo de diseño y específicas para diseños similares a los observacionales; y propuestas de expertos recibidas en reuniones científicas. Resultados: se obtuvieron elementos a considerar para realizar un informe de metodología observacional, encuadrados en tres dominios: intervención y resultados esperados, método y resultados. Conclusiones: se presenta un protocolo útil y parsimonioso para el desarrollo y elaboración de reportes de evaluación de programas con metodología observacional

    Reporting a program evaluation: Needs, program plan, intervention, and decisions

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    The approach to intervention programs varies depending on the methodological perspective adopted. This means that health professionals lack clear guidelines regarding how best to proceed, and it hinders the accumulation of knowledge. The aim of this paper is to set out the essential and common aspects that should be included in any program evaluation report, thereby providing a useful guide for the professional regardless of the procedural approach used. Furthermore, the paper seeks to integrate the different methodologies and illustrate their complementarity, this being a key aspect in terms of real intervention contexts, which are constantly changing. The aspects to be included are presented in relation to the main stages of the evaluation process: needs, objectives and design (prior to the intervention), implementation (during the intervention), and outcomes (after the intervention). For each of these stages the paper describes the elements on which decisions should be based, highlighting the role of empirical evidence gathered through the application of instruments to defined samples and according to a given procedure